In which year appears the first permanent teeth?
Germination of children's teeth begins around the sixth month of life, and ends up with two. The child then in each jaw has 10 teeth (total of 20). The first permanent tooth emerges in the sixth year ("famous" sixes with no deciduous predecessor). Parents should pay attention to these (and all other teeth) saved from decay.
Is that preventive measure important?
It is always better to prevent than to treat! Time to get to the dentist means more inconvenience and less and less money, which is not negligible.
Prevention means regularly reviewing your mouth and teeth at least 2-3 times a year. A review of the notes we establish that you have cared for or neglected teeth (dental plaque, caries, residual dental roots, fistulas ...), what is the state of paradontium...
Iin the mouth manifests and some common diseases such as diabetes, some types of leukemia, vitamin deficiencies, and some skin diseases. View the oral cavity is the initial and most important step in the work of a dentist.
What causes tooth decay?
The most common cause is dental plaque. These are deposits on teeth that contain carbohydrates, bacteria and others. If the teeth are not washed properly, there will be a build-up of plaque and the presence of bacteria (streptococci) of acid products that damage the enamel of the teeth, tooth decay begins. Dental caries (dental damage) progresses through the thickness of the enamel and reaches the dentin (the layer under the enamel). There it expands very quickly, both in depth and in breadth. There is pain on sweet, which means that the decay has progressed to the deep layers of dentin and pulp are closer ("tooth nerve"). If it don't treated, decay will continue to progress, the infection procedure pulp and then strong spontaneous pain (of itself, unprovoked). Pain lasts for the first time, half an hour and painless phases are long. If we intervene, painful stages are longer and less painless and then the disease that dentists call pulpitis. If a patient endure everything, then there will be dying of tooth nerves and followed with an extremely sharp pain. The infection has already hit "nerve" and come up with gangrenous decomposition and then the last moment when it can act endodontics. When the decomposition gases are produced, inflammation goes over the top of the root, the tooth is sensitive to bite, typing, touch the tongue, warm. All this means that the infection is passed into the bone and that it is being spread. If it still does not intervene, the infection reaches the surface of the bone pain (very high intensity). Infection (pus) penetrates the bone and appears soft tissue swelling, and there is less pain. After that (if it still does not intervene) pus breaks through the skin (mucous membrane) and the fistula. Solving fistula is a complicated process, especially if it occurs on the face. Solving this problem is almost always accompanied by visible scars.
Due to all of the above is very important prevention and health education. This means that you should at least 2-3 times a year visit the dentist.
Sholud we repair the children's teeth?
Children's teeth should be repaired, because their health is important for the proper growth of the jaws. Children's teeth should be treated the same as permanent.
When a child should be first taken to the doctor?
Visit to the dentist is required to start with two, at the latest two and a half year old child. This is necessary in order to control the child's oral health, and also accustom a child to the dentist and environment practice. Parents need when visiting a dentist because of their teeth, to bring a child to the personal example of the influence the child's behavior in the office. A child should not be scared with "bottles", injections, tooth extraction, etc...
What are orthodontic anomalies?
If the teeth and jaws are not natural in the correct (optimal) position, we are talking of the orthodontic anomalies.Orthodontic anomalies are usually developed unnoticed for parents and surroundings, so you can only see a dentist. Every child is coming to the clinic to be used, among other things, for an orthopedic examination, for certain orthopedic anomalies may be discovered permanently and with little intervention stopped. In this sense, the appearance of hereditary anomalies, diet, time and direction of eruption of deciduous teeth, breathing and the occurrence of bad habits (for example thumb sucking).
Kada uklanjati umnjake?
Ako se utvrdi da donji umnjaci neće da niknu pravilno (urađen rendgenski snimak), postoje prednosti da se oni uklone ranije, dok korenovi ne završe rast (to je oko 16. godine). Korenovi su tada formirani do polovine, završeno uspravljenje umnjaka, manja je teskoba u predelu sekutića i dete je u tom uzrastu dobro za saradnju tokom hirurške intervencije. Ali, ako se još i u osmoj godini utvrdi da umnjaci neće imati mesta, može da se planira germectomio (žermektomija), vađenje zubne klice, jer još nije počela kalcifikacija zubne krune.
Is it necessary whether routine extraction of impacted teeth?
Some argue to postpone the surgery until they disturb us, but it is better to do the extraction of impacted teeth at a young age, in full health of the patient, while the bone is relatively soft, resilient, well-vascularized. In this case postoperative recovery, and possible complications are very rare. Tooth extraction is delayed if its growing is expected, if the need for prosthodontic reasons or a deep impaction, which does not cause any irritation and extraction would be difficult.
What is plaque and should it be removed?
Plaque created mineralization (hardening) of soft deposits on the teeth and it is integrated and magnesium and other salts from saliva. Plaque is a yellow color, but it changes its color pigments from food and beverages. For smokers it becomes black. Scale is usually collected at the tongue side of the lower front teeth and the cheek side of the upper molars. Plaque should be removed regularly.A doctor do it with the manual instruments or ultrasound apparaturs. After that comes rincing teeth (showering right teeth).
Does chewing gum to prevent failure?
Defective tooth prevents proper brushing of your teeth. Chewing gum can help prevent damage, but we have to use the ones that do not contain sugar but ksilotol (artificial sweetener). The bacteria in our mouths which has huge amounts of artificial sweetener used as a sugar problem for bacteria appears when they start digesting the artificial sweetener. Decomposition of sweeteners are completely indigestible to bacteria. If used chewing gum with sugar, then it is very bad for your teeth. Another good side of chewing gum is that during the chewing large quantities of saliva and is self-cleaning teeth. If chewing gums contain fluorine, then the effect will be better. Chewing gums should be used after meals and not too long (5-10 minutes), because the only way we will not overload the jaw's joint and jaw muscles. So chewing gum are additional device to protect teeth from damage, but they can not replace brushing your teeth.
Is it after treatment (nerve extraction) dead tooth?
It just says (but not true). While he had the "nerve" (neuro-vascular bundle) is fed through it. In addition to the nerve in the tooth is entering a small arteries and the tooth is coming out a little vein. Basic food goes through the small arteries. When the pulp is diseased, in order to save the tooth, it is necessary to remove the diseased pulp ("nerve") that has fed the tooth. But removing the "nerve" tooth is not dead, because it receives food from the blood vessels coming from the jawbone. It is true that such tooth less, but it is by no means dead. Because if so, the body would have rejected him as a foreign body. Such treated tooth is more brittle than the other teeth, and it is often necessary to strengthen the peg. This tooth is darker than the rest.
Which toothpastes are good?
All toothpastes and mouth wash that contain fluoride are good. There are toothpastes for smokers that are better for removing plaque. There are toothpastes for plaque. Those can reduce the formation of palque because they contain some compounds that affect it appears less than calculus. These toothpastes (and mouth wash) are a useful addition to the toothbrush and dental floss. Just using the mouth wash does not remove the plaque if it is not used with the toothbrush. FLUODONTIL 1350 is a paste containing a high percentage of fluorine. It contains 13,500 ppm (ppm - parts per million). It is designed for full sew the teeth from cavities of people who were treated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, in patients older age and in people with sensitive teeth. This toothpaste contains sodium fluoride, which is very fast acting remineraling the gum tissue attacked early caries.
How long white fillings stay?
White fillings are called composite fillings. Currently the current ninth generation of white fillings. White fillings can safely take more than 5-6 years, and how long it will last depends on how much tooth structure is compensated, in any part of the tooth is, whether it is installed correctly, if the lamp is used to perform polymerization is strong enough, if the filling is set up in layers, whether they used modern adhesive systems ("glue"), such as the patient's oral hygiene and so on. As you can see, there are many factors that affect the quality of white fillings, but for sure it has to last longer than 5 years.
Do you need to change the old amalgam fillings?
Regardless of what it is today, in some circles, a big complaint of amalgam fillings we advise our patients to change their old amalgam fillings only when necessary (if the filling is bad, fractures are visible, if the connection with the tooth loose, appears near fillings). Of course, if the patient wishes for aesthetic reasons to replace existing amalgam fillings we will be in any case come out and set the composite (white) fillings.
When you start giving fluor to children?
Fluoride is added where it does not have enough water to drink. In places where the concentration of fluorine is greater than 0.7 mg / l shouldnít be prescribed. In our country, such places are: Sombor,Bezdan, Telecka, Conopolja, etc. ... The following locations have elevated concentrations of fluoride (more than 1 mg / l): Vranic ,Vranjska Spa, Prahovo, Partisans, Jugbogdanovac, Stara Božurna, Rajcinovica Spa, Merošina ,around Blace,Lisice. Here we have endemic fluorosis of the teeth (tooth colored in brown). It is very important that the mother in early pregnancy is advised to properly using fluorides, and after the birth of the baby, because in our area there are a lot of fluorine is less than prescribed.
What are the sixes?
It is the first permanent tooth. The tooth erupts behind the last deciduous teeth and no deciduous predecessor. Many parents do not recognize them as permanent teeth (they think it's another deciduous tooth). It is the largest tooth in the dental arch and makes key occlusion (bite). It is very important for the proper relationship between the upper and lower jaws. He appears in the mouth when milk teeth fall out and permanent ones yet sprung up. It is very important for the proper setup of the other permanent teeth. "Sixes" appear in the sixth year and at the moment when there are a lot of deciduous teeth (mostly broken), hygiene during this period usually bad, and the trouble is that these "sixes "have pronounced bumps and pits (fissures), and cleaning is very difficult and soon comes to failure. This is most vulnerable because the permanent tooth erupts early in the surrounding bad deciduous teeth and the enamel is not yet mineralized. Therefore, it is usually a tooth that is the first to be extracted (referring to the permanent teeth) due to caries.
Are dental intervention painfull?
Today, with the use of local anesthesia (even in children), no dental intervention does not have to be painful and uncomfortable. It is, indeed, part of the past.
How to overcome fear of dental intervention?
The hardest thing for patients who have experienced some unpleasant experience in dental surgery, which can never be forgotten and that bad experience deter them from visiting the dentist, to the extent that completely neglect the health of their teeth. In overcoming fear of dental procedures, the essential role of a doctor who needs to look at each patient as an individual unit, which has to have patience, knowledge, creativity, and often acts as a psychotherapist. On the other hand, the patient should have confidence in your doctor, and it will all fear disappears.
Should preschool children visit the dentist?
Preschool children have milk teeth, and between 6 and 7 years and erected the first permanent molar, so that there is any pathology as well as in the permanent dentition. Your child needs to bring to the examination and if it still does not have specific problems with your teeth, just to get used to the environment, to doctors, to learn the basic principles of oral hygiene and dental health. Wrong is the first to bring the child to the dental clinic only when it has a problem, when you have a toothache or some trauma occurred. These are the situations when you need to do an intervention in a small, frightened, often hysterical patient who would like to experience the trauma, perhaps for life. Such situations should be avoided early arrivals, preventive checkups and preventive measures.
What kind of seals are recommended for closure carious lesions?
Some ingredients may be toxic amalgam to act on the human body. In addition to silver and tin, mercury amalgam is the only ingredient that can practically be considered a poison. However, the seal of precious metals (silver, gold), due to strong bonding with the metal mercury, are completely harmless. However, patients want to meet stopping next to the function and esthetics, and then certainly not amalgam fillings of choice.
Why is slowly left the use of amalgam fillings?
Pojedini sastojci amalgama mogu toksično da deluju na ljudski organizam. Pored srebra i kalaja, živa je jedini sastojak amalgama koji se praktično može smatrati otrovom. Međutim, plombe od plemenitih metala (srebro, zlato), zbog čvrstog vezivanja žive sa tim metalima, potpuno su bezopasne. Ipak, pacijenti žele da plomba pored funkcije zadovolji i estetiku, te amalgam tada sigurno nije plomba izbora.
Nail biting
Teeth should not be used as a tool to open any case, breaking the hard core of fruit, nail biting, chewing ice or a pencil eraser. This is certainly broken teeth, and reduce damage.
Cleaning teeth
Teeth should clean two to three times a year to the dentist, to the time of surgery and prevent more problems in the functioning and appearance of the teeth.
Stench from mouth
Just brushing your teeth can not remove all the plaque that is placed between the teeth, and food that is left behind begins to rot, which occurs due to bad breath. It is that often you brush your teeth, but in addition to using a brush and floss at least once a day. This helps to fight bacteria that can cause gum disease, bleeding and periodontal disease basis.
Retraction of the right tooth
Gum recession is a problem often occurs in later years, and often sooner.Usually is the cause: poor oral hygiene, poor contact between all teeth, tightness in the jaw, non repaired crowns, as well as genetic factors ...